ireland utara bahasa Inggris
- ireland: irish republic; irish; ireland; hibernia;
- utara: north; n; northern; union; due north; compass
- bahasa di ireland utara: languages of northern ireland
- Northern Ireland is composed of 26 districts, derived from the boroughs of Belfast and Londonderry and the counties of Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, and Tyrone. Together they are commonly called Ulster, though the territory does not include the entire ancient province of Ulster.
Ireland Utara terdiri daripada daerah 26, berasal dari borough Belfast dan Londonderry dan daerah-daerah Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, dan Tyrone. Bersama-sama mereka biasanya dipanggil Ulster, walaupun wilayah tidak termasuk wilayah purba keseluruhan Ulster.
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